Dualshock 3 pc wont turnon
Dualshock 3 pc wont turnon

Dualshock 3 pc wont turnon

I purchased an EXT port dock and got no response. He suggested to replace the microUSB port or try a different dock that uses the EXT port to charge. They said however that the microUSB port is notorious for becoming loose. Gamestop plugged it in and found that all the buttons worked correctly including the PS4 button. They said this because I do not own a playstation console, but only use it for my iOS devices. They told me to take the controller to gamestop and have them check all the buttons and functionality. I then called playstation support and they were completely unhelpful. The light went out and refused to turn back on. I put a paperclip in the hole and held for 10 seconds. After trying different cables and chargers with no response I decided to use the reset button on the back of the controller. It had a green or orange light that was slowly blinking (can’t remember which) and it was unresponsive to any buttons including the PS4 button which I held down for more than 30 seconds with no response. Everything worked perfect until I noticed that the controller would not turn off at the end of my gaming session.

Dualshock 3 pc wont turnon Dualshock 3 pc wont turnon

I charge it using a powerA docking station that used the microUSB port. It is only 3 months old and is in mint condition. I need help troubleshooting my DS4 controller.

Dualshock 3 pc wont turnon